
How to Increase Generosity in Your Church

You already knew all of these precepts to increase generosity, didn’t you? But, how many of them are you actually utilizing in your church to increase generosity?

10 Reasons You Can Skip the Church Offering Plate

Is passing the church offering plate necessary anymore?

Separate Funds Make Church Accounting Easy

How accounting funds and the chart of accounts work together to ensure compliance with government regulations.

Why a “GIVE” Button on Your Church Website is No Longer Enough

Churches are missing out on millions of dollars in potential gifts because of simple barriers in the giving experience.

Mobile Giving Solution Saves Church 250–300 Hours a Year

Time is precious on a church staff. Here's a giving solution that will save your staff time

Stewardship Begins With Strategy

In order to communicate effectively, you need a stewardship strategy. The question is: How will you communicate about these ideas? 

2017 Churchgoer Giving Study: See What Vanco Has Revealed

While e-Giving preferences remain strong across all age groups, they’re significantly higher among older adults than those reported in 2015.

Suggested Internal Audit or Financial Review Procedures

The purpose of an audit is to determine if the organization is in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and whether the financial statements are comparable to previous year’s financial statements.

Online Giving is Popular With All Age Groups

Technology has provided a way to make it easier for all generations to give to churches no matter what age group they fall into.