Ministry Tech Leaders

Where Are the Bibles in Church?

I looked around, and to my surprise, out of about 400 people in that theater, I was the only one I could see holding a Bible. Where are the Bibles in church?

The Best Security Radios for Churches– 3 Great Options

Church security is becoming more and more of an issue, and because of that, churches all over the country are opting to improve their security through the use of security systems and by having radios on hand.

HuddleCam HD Review

The HuddleCam HD webcam gives you the same quality as their many other products, and it’s super affordable at around $90.

Digital Change is More Significant Than You Think

What do we do with digital change? As a church, ministry, or nonprofit leader, have you surrounded yourself with a team that understands digital communication?

How To Know It’s Time To Drop Your Idea And Move On

There are situations when it’s better to drop your idea and move on – even if you’ve spent years developing and writing it. The problem is – how do you know?

5 Things to Do Before you Create a New Church Website

When iot comes to creating a new church website, you really do get what you pay for. This is the most important communication tool you have.

Facial Recognition in Church? It’s Happening Right Now

I can see there could be positive uses for facial recognition in church, but I’ve also been surprised at how few conversations there have been about using it.

Priorities: Strategy Over Technology

Never forget that ideas drive the world, not technology. While we get caught up in the latest mobile devices, software, social media applications and...