Ministry Tech Leaders
Ministry Tech Leaders
7 Reasons Why You Should Have a Video Testimony
Given the technology available today, any of us can do a video testimony. Here’s why we should.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Is Live-Streaming Church Services Always a Good Idea?
There are times when live-streaming church services isn’t a good idea. In fact, I’ve seen a few live-streamed services that made me cringe.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Remote Ransomware Tries, Tries Again
Infamous ransomware groups, such as Akira, BlackCat, DarkSide, LockBit, MedusaLocker, Ryuk and WannaCry are now using remote encryption more frequently than ever before.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Hiring Cheap? Not so Fast . . .
Sometimes, hiring cheap is the most expensive choice. The principle sounds wrong to some people, but it’s straightforward: You often save the most money by hiring the most expensive person.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Where Are the Bibles in Church?
I looked around, and to my surprise, out of about 400 people in that theater, I was the only one I could see holding a Bible. Where are the Bibles in church?
Ministry Tech Leaders
The Best Security Radios for Churches– 3 Great Options
Church security is becoming more and more of an issue, and because of that, churches all over the country are opting to improve their security through the use of security systems and by having radios on hand.
Ministry Tech Leaders
HuddleCam HD Review
The HuddleCam HD webcam gives you the same quality as their many other products, and it’s super affordable at around $90.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Digital Change is More Significant Than You Think
What do we do with digital change? As a church, ministry, or nonprofit leader, have you surrounded yourself with a team that understands digital communication?