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Articles for Outreach & Missions

How to Care for Women Who Have Miscarried

"There are a few things that have been comforting reminders of how the Lord uses his people to care for one another."

Can a Christian Be Pro-Choice?

It’s time to draw a proverbial “line in the sand” on the abortion issue and how it relates to our Christian faith.

John Calvin’s 6 Reasons Why We Should Evangelize

John Calvin: “It is a sacrifice well-pleasing to God to advance the spread of the gospel.”

7 Subtle Symptoms of Pride

Pride will kill you. Forever. Pride is the sin most likely to keep you from crying out for a Savior.

Our Scars Are Proof That God Heals

Your story is His glory. Share it to the world. Don’t hide your scars, wear them as proof that God heals.

10 Descriptors of Bad Leaders and Bad Teachers

I’ve watched leaders and read books to learn characteristics of good and bad leaders. Not surprisingly, I’ve seen that some characteristics of bad teachers and leaders are the same.

Rise of the “Done With the Church” Population

Sometimes referred to as the "de-churched," this group of young people is leaving the church in droves.

The Biggest Mistakes I Made in Church Planting

For those planting a church, I write hoping you avoid some of the mistakes I made.

11 Signs Your Church Is Moving Towards Extinction

I believe there are signs you can observe today that will tell you whether your church is going extinct.

5 Tests to Determine if You’ve Forgiven Someone

"And if you’re struggling to 'pass the test' don’t beat yourself up."

True Faith Will Make You a Fighter

"We’re commanded to suffer through long and hard fights with sin and temptation without giving up or forsaking Christ."

Should I Give to My Local Church First … or to Other Ministries?

"The institutional church should lead the way in being generous with its resources."

Without This One Thing, Nothing Else Matters

Many skills make for effective ministry, but there is one without which everything else we do is useless

8 Reasons I Love the Church and Will Never Give Up on Her

If Jesus grabbed coffee with me, he would spend more time telling me why he loves the church than what he believes is wrong with her.

Carey Neiuwhof: 10 Reasons Even Committed Church Members Are Attending Less Often

The first key to addressing why church members are no loger attending regularly is to understand what’s happening around us.

5 Lies I Used to Believe About Following Jesus

I lived a life of trying and doing, instead of a life of trusting and believing. Here are just a few of the lies I used to believe about being Christian.

Be a Human Infusion of Hope

"Becoming a Barnabas person really begins by asking the God of encouragement to transform us into sons of encouragement."

Go Big or Go Home: How “Big” Has Invaded the Church

Is our obsession with big churches rooted in mission our just our desire for “big”?

5 Lessons I Learned From Church Planting

Church planting is one of the greatest adventures you can ever take.

David Ashcraft on the Surprising, ‘Deep Emotions’ He Felt Stepping Down...

David Ashcraft joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how leadership has changed, how pastors can leave their churches better than they found them, and the startling emotions he felt when he stepped down as senior pastor.

Articles for Outreach & Missions