Videos for Outreach & Missions

Perhaps We’ve Over-Emphasized Compatibility When Looking for a Spouse

When it comes to marriage could there be a chance that we might be overplaying the importance of finding someone who aligns with us on virtually everything? In the following video, Jefferson and Alysa Bethke speak to this interesting subject.

David Platt: Is The Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible?

David Platt and Mark Dever discuss: The sinner's prayer is something most people raised in the church are familiar with, but is the sinners prayer in the Bible?

Medical Missions: How Community Health Evangelism Heals Lives and Transforms Hurting Communities

Community Health Evangelism/Education (CHE) incorporates physical and spiritual education with a special focus on prevention of disease, not treatment after the fact. These medical missions heal an transform communities.

How Would Jesus Celebrate Christmas?

Encourage your church to do more with less this Christmas by putting worship first.

David Platt: Why Most Christians Aren’t Involved in the Great Commission

“If you can trust God to save you, then you can trust God to lead you."

Carl Lentz Explains the Premise of Christianity to Oprah

Oprah's take on Carl Lentz's teaching: “Your goal is to transform the way people experience their relationship with God."

Quiz: How Charismatic Are You, Really?

Take this quiz to find out if your worship style and spiritual life are more Charismatic than you might think...

Jackie Hill-Perry Testimony: My Journey Out of Lesbianism

"Jackie Hill-Perry shares her testimony about God's grace in saving her and delivering her out of lesbianism."

Gary Haugen: The Hidden Reason for Poverty the World Needs to Address Now

"The truth is the poor of this world are trapped in whole systems of violence."