

The G.O.S.P.E.L.

The message in one poetic sentence.

Free eBook: Religious Affections

"Written in 1746 during the First Great Awakening, 'Religious Affections' remains an important and challenging Christian treatise."

National Day of Prayer Event Broadcasting on GOD TV

GOD TV will once again broadcast the main event of the U.S. National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 5.

Prayer Statistics: Statistics on Prayer in the U.S.

A collection of statistics and illustrations on the prevalence and efficacy of prayer in the United States.

Why We Are All About the Numbers

Furtick: "Personally, I don’t want to put a cap on the number of stories God wants to redeem."

10 Tips for Handling Conflict

If relationships are normal, conflict is inevitable.

Rethinking “What Would Jesus Do?”

Frank Viola: "Jesus made pretty clear that we cannot live the Christian life. Instead, He must live it through us."

How to Preach Practical Sermons with Spiritual Depth

For everyone who is tired of the dichotomy between "spiritual" and "practical"

Keller: 5 Big Issues Facing the Church

Tim Keller offers insight into the biggest cultural changes impacting the church today.

Greg Laurie: Art and Beauty Are God's Ideas

The church should see the arts as a means for proclaiming His glory!

Is Your Brand of Faith Too Tame?

Alan Hirsch discusses the tension between Spirit and reason.

What if Your Generosity Was Recorded in the Bible?

Alan Danielson has an imaginary version of the Bible. It's quite revealing.

The Mystery of Jesus' First Miracle

Margaret Feinberg discusses why Jesus' first miracle was so unexpected.

Responding to the Death of Our Enemies

A variety of reactions abound over the death of Osama bin Laden.

What Are Your Life-Giving Questions?

A simple check in on “how is your soul?"

Is the Gospel Worth 6 Million?

Is it possible to determine the economic benefit a church brings to its local community?

Why Christians Don't Give and What We Can do About It

If your church has a "giving problem," it has a spiritual problem as well.

7 Outreach Suggestions for Churches Meeting in Schools

I get lots of e-mails asking how we do certain things as a church. I usually figure that when several...

Advice to Young Pastors

John Piper's counsel to young pastors on the importance of leading at home.

Top 10 Benefits Of Leadership

I recently wrote a post entitled The Top 10 Leadership Mistakes.  Based upon your response, it echoed what many of you were thinking and...

Phil McGraw and Ed Young Discuss God’s Calling, Parenting and the...

Dr. Phil McGraw recently spoke at Pastor Ed Young’s Fellowship Church, where McGraw shared his thoughts on topics including parenting, envy, and the importance of the church to society.

Steve Robinson: How To Create a Culture of Service in Your...

Steve Robinson joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can foster a culture of serving in their churches, raise up new leaders, and help people discover their giftings.
