Articles for Youth Leaders

Small Group Conversation Starters: 100 Prompts for Youth Ministry

Small group conversation starters are a great way to engage teens. Check out all these youth ministry icebreakers!

Happy Wednesday Blessings: Midweek Encouragement for Teens

Sending happy Wednesday blessings to teenagers in your youth group leads to encouragement and connections.

Weekend Youth Group Benefits: 4 Reasons We Meet on Sundays

What are some weekend youth group benefits? Learn 4 reasons your youth ministry should meet on Sundays.

Motivate Volunteers: 5 Ways To Maintain Excitement

Want to motivate volunteers in your youth ministry? Then recognize that different people serve for different reasons.

Sermon Topics for Youth: 40 Series Ideas To Spark Great Teen Talks

Coming up with new sermon topics for youth can be challenging. So we’ve collected dozens of ideas for teen messages!

New Year’s Tradition To Reinvigorate Your Youth Ministry

Start a new year’s tradition by trying something old, new, borrowed, and blue in your youth ministry program.

How To Study the Bible for Teens: 8 Key Reading Tips

Knowing how to study the Bible for teens is vital. Consider these 8 tips for reading and applying God’s Word.

Youth Activities for Spiritual Growth: 15 Ways To Boost Faith Fitness

To build teenagers’ faith, try these 15 youth activities for spiritual growth.