Do you need fresh children’s Christmas service ideas? God sent Jesus because of love. And because we love you? Here are more than 100 children’s service ideas for the holiday.
Dive in and see which activities you can use in your church or children’s ministry. Enjoy!
100+ Children’s Christmas Service Ideas for KidMin
9 Children’s Message Ideas
3 Prayers Throughout this festive season, help kids discover the power of talking to God.
Candy Cane Story Use this children’s message in worship or Sunday school.
Christmas Quiet Help kids focus on the season’s real meaning.
Does God Give Us Presents? Use this children’s message to explain the real reason we celebrate.
God Loves You After all, isn’t this what the season is all about?
Light of the World Teach kids that the Light of the World can be the light of their life. (Especially when they’re afraid of the dark!)
Waiting for Jesus Use this message to focus on our Prince of Peace.