Summer Outreach Ideas: 5 Key Tips for Your Children’s Ministry

summer outreach ideas


Summer outreach ideas for children’s ministry are a great service to families. Plus, they share the good news of Jesus with kids in fun ways.

When the school year ends, it’s typically a matter of days until parents hear those dreaded words, “I’m bored.” And how does the church respond? Some place a Summer Vacation sign on their children’s ministry door.

But when Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,” he didn’t mean just when school’s in session. During summer, we can minister to kids without the typical challenges and distractions of the school year. To reach kids and families in this season, use these summer outreach ideas that really work!

5 Summer Outreach Ideas for Kidmin

1. Dream the Dream.

A dream program meet needs in your community. Do lots of area families need childcare? Are students on a year-round schedule with only a few weeks off during summer? Does summertime bring many new residents to your vacation community?

Ask questions to help you focus on meeting real needs so your summer outreach ideas are irresistible. Consider things such as climate, available space, and adequate staffing.

Today’s kids and parents are savvy about quality programming. Kids want to learn something new, meet friends, and connect with adults who care about them. And parents want kids in a safe environment that stimulates all the senses rather than those activated only by video games. Combining these elements with a ministry’s desire to share Jesus’ love with kids will help you create a sure win.

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