Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders 5-Minute Children’s Sermons: 7 Bible-Based Messages for Kids

5-Minute Children’s Sermons: 7 Bible-Based Messages for Kids

4. Lost and Found

Theme: God’s love and forgiveness

Object: “Lost Dog” flyer

Scripture: Luke 15:22-24

While learning about the parable of the Prodigal Son, kids will hear that God always loves and welcomes us.

5. Recipe for Life

Theme: Obeying God’s Word

Object: Bible, recipe card and/or cookbook

Scripture: 1 John 2:5-6

During this 5-minute children’s sermon, kids will find out God’s plan—and what happens when we follow it.

6. The Unseen Power

Theme: The Holy Spirit is our guide.

Object: A large piece of heavy cardstock; a small metal car; a powerful magnet (adult use only)

Scripture: John 16:12-13

Use this kids message to teach about the Holy Spirit and his power.

7. Talking to God

Theme: Prayer is talking to God.

Object: Pictures of types of communication. Examples are mobile phones, TV, newspapers, DVDs, talking, smoke signals, etc.—be creative!

Scripture: Romans 8:26-27

Children will see how prayer is two-way communication between us and God.

Want more 5-minute children’s sermons? Visit www.Sermons4Kids.com for many more, on numerous topics!