Books of the Bible Song for Kids: 12 Lively Versions for KidMin

books of the Bible song for kids
Screengrab Youtube @Go Fish Kids Music


A books of the Bible song for kids is a fun way to teach God’s Word. By memorizing the 66 books of Scripture, children can easily find the answers they need in the Bible.

Knowing the Bible books is an important faith skill that will serve kids well throughout life. And learning these books has never been more fun! In fact, you may remember the tune of a books of the Bible song for kids that you sang in Sunday school or children’s church.

A wide variety of lively songs about the Bible books are available online. Many include helpful hand motions or visuals that aid with memorization. Choose a books of the Bible song for kids that best fits your students’ ages and interests.

To help, we’ve assembled a dozen favorites you can review and use. So check out these songs and videos. Then have fun helping your kids learn the books of the Bible!

Books of the Bible Song for Kids: 12 Options

Here are a dozen songs we love. They’ll make memorizing the Bible books a breeze!

1. Gotta Know the Books

First, this catchy tune will be a hit with kids. Shai Linne sings this version.

2. Scripture in Motion

With a hand motion dance, Worship Together Kids brings revival through learning the Bible.

3. It’s Time to Learn the Books!

This rap-themed books of the Bible song is from NorthPointKids.

4. These Are the Books of the Bible

This catchy tune from Jesus Said Kids will help kids learn the books of the B-I-B-L-E.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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