Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Creation Scavenger Hunt, Plus More Summer-Friendly Activities for Kids

Creation Scavenger Hunt, Plus More Summer-Friendly Activities for Kids

4. Garden Prayer Place

Use this idea to encourage children to meet with God one-on-one in prayer.

You’ll need:

  • rope
  • other various items for building a nature tent

Beforehand, determine what resources you have available for building a tent outside on your church grounds. You might use large tree branches and rope, or you may choose to use green blankets tied to trees or poles.

Say: In Exodus 26, God asked his people to build a place where he would live. It was called the Tabernacle, and only the holy leaders met with God there. When Jesus came to earth, he made it so everyone can meet with God. We don’t need the Tabernacle anymore, but God still wants to meet with us one-on-one! Let’s make a special place where we can get away and meet with God one-on-one.

Lead kids in using your materials to build a tent shape.

Have the children gather inside the tent, and lead them in thanking God that we can meet with him because of Jesus. Invite them to pray for one another as well.


  • What are good things about getting away to talk to God?
  • Where are places around your home that you can get away to talk to God?

Remind kids that anyone can meet with God in prayer anywhere, but if they need a place to get away to meet with God, they can use special places they’ve created to pray.

5. Royal Crowns

Use this craft to help kids understand that they’re royalty as God’s children.

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • various colors and patterns of duct tape
  • scissors

Say: The Bible says when we believe in Jesus, we’re royal. Jesus created everything in the world, and he’s King. That means we can be his royal children when we believe in him. Let’s use God’s creation to make royal crowns.

Take kids outside, and have them collect sticks, leaves, or other items in nature that can stick up like the points in a crown.

For each child, cut a piece of duct tape about 2 feet in length. Cut or tear the piece in half lengthwise, and place one piece sticky-side up in front of each child. Show children how to arrange the items on the sticky side of the duct tape so they all point up.

As kids work, read aloud 1 Peter 2:9, and lead kids in discussing what it means to live as God’s royal children. Help each child place the other half of the duct tape sticky-side down directly over the items and the other piece of duct tape. Use tape to size each child’s crown on his or her head. The crowns should fit securely so kids can put them on and take them off with ease.

6. Geocaching and the Promised Land

Use this experience when kids are learning about how God sent the Israelites into Canaan to inspect the land he had promised them in Numbers 13.

You’ll need:

  • smartphone

Ahead of time, look on geocaching.com for nearby geocaches that your group could find.

Say: In the Bible, Numbers 13 tells us that God sent 12 spies to the land he had promised them. We’re going on our own spy adventure today.

Let the children choose some geocaches that you’ve predetermined are nearby and that your group can access. Then let kids take turns leading the group to each geocache.

Afterward, ask:

  • What were some of the challenges we faced?
  • What were some of the positives?
  • How was our spying experience like or unlike the Israelites’ experience?
  • What are some ways you learn about God’s promises for you?

7. Breakthrough

Use this object lesson to show kids that there’s hope even on stormy days.

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • see-through glass or plastic containers filled with water
  • foaming shaving cream
  • blue and yellow food coloring

Say: Sometimes life seems cloudy. Have kids squirt a layer of shaving cream over the water in the glass containers.


  • Tell about a time you felt sad or discouraged.

As each child shares, have him or her add some drops of food coloring over the “clouds” of shaving cream.

Say: It’s okay to feel sad. But when we do, God wants us to be encouraged. Read aloud Isaiah 41:10 and Joshua 1:9. Have kids keep an eye on the clouds and food coloring. The food coloring will break through the shaving cream, creating streaks of color in the water.


  • What did you like about this experiment?
  • How can hard times turn into something good?

Read aloud Romans 8:28.


  • What are ways you can trust God in hard times?