Fruit of the Spirit Children’s Game About Overflowing Joy

fruit of the Spirit
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  • What happened to the sand when the cup could no longer hold it?
  • If our hearts are full of happiness and Jesus keeps blessing us with more, what do you think will happen?
  • When you are happy and joyful, how does that make the people around you feel?

Say: God blesses us with so many wonderful things, and he fills up our hearts. Even when our hearts are full, God just keeps giving us good things. In a way, our joy can overflow, as our sand did, and spill out. It can spill onto other people around us and make them happy, too. We can share our joy and happiness with everyone around us.

Knowing Jesus gives us joy! And we can share that when we tell others about Jesus. We want other people to know the joy of having Jesus in their hearts.

This game is from Kids’ Travel Guide to the Fruit of the SpiritThe book contains 13 Scripture-based lessons that help kids discover God’s Spirit and love.

This article about Fruit of the Spirit activities originally appeared here.

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