How To Engage Preschoolers in Church: Build an Early Faith Foundation

how to engage preschoolers in church
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Knowing how to engage preschoolers in church is essential. Toddlers and preschoolers are a precious part of children’s ministry. With their boundless energy and sense of wonder, young children can begin grasping Christian concepts.

Engaging preschoolers requires intentionality and creativity. Plus, a solid understanding of development helps. So let’s look at tips for how to engage preschoolers in church. Learn how your kidmin program can captivate preschoolers.

Developmental Insights

First understand how preschoolers learn and grow. Children from ages 3 to 5:

  • Are highly active. Sitting still for long periods is tough! Preschoolers learn best through movement and hands-on activities.
  • Use concrete thinking. Abstract concepts are difficult to grasp. Preschoolers thrive on tangible examples.
  • Have short attention spans. They can focus on a single activity for about 5 minutes. Regular transitions are key.
  • Are emotionally responsive. Preschoolers respond to warmth and enthusiasm.
  • Are imaginative and curious. Storytelling and creative play are a hit!

These traits help you design lessons that fit preschoolers’ needs. And that helps grow love for Jesus from an early age.

How To Engage Preschoolers in Church: 10 Tips

Here are 10 ways to connect with little learners. Share these with your staff and teachers.

1. Create a welcoming environment.

Begin with bright classroom decorations. Then greet each child as they arrive. Use names and make eye contact. Consistent routines help kids know what to expect.

2. Use interactive Bible lessons.

Preschoolers learn best through participation. So use lots of actions, props, and repetition. While teaching about Noah’s Ark, let kids pretend to be animals. For David and Goliath, use foam balls to “defeat” a cardboard giant. Bring messages to life in ways kids can see, hear, and feel.

3. Include music and movement.

Next choose upbeat, simple worship songs. Do actions for kids to mimic. Movement-based songs help restless preschoolers channel their fidgets. As a bonus, add instruments.

4. Use relatable language.

When teaching about God’s love, use simple language. Avoid theological jargon. Instead, focus on core truths, relating lessons to everyday life. When discussing kindness, for example, talk about sharing toys or helping parents.

5. Use storytelling and visual aids.

Preschoolers love stories, especially those told with enthusiasm. Use expressive voices, faces, and gestures. Show visual aids like puppets or picture books.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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