3 Practical Ways to Build a Legacy to Last

3 Practical Ways to Build a Legacy to Last

All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine. – Jim Rohn

What is your personal legacy? Or to phrase it another way, if today was your last day, how would your kids and those closest to you remember you? If you want a legacy worth remembering, it requires being intentional. If you want to be thought of as more than a sports fan, then take time today to build a legacy worthy of the calling God has placed on your life.

If you want to build a legacy, share your testimony. Do your kids know what your life was like before Christ? Do they know the difference Jesus has made for you personally? I recently asked the preteens and there was only one student in the room who knew their parents’ testimony. Mark your calendar right now and make it a priority to share your story with your kids.

If you want to build a legacy, celebrate milestones. Days turn into weeks and weeks become years. Before you blink, your kids will be graduated and moving out. Celebrate  milestones by stepping back as a family and creating memorable moments centered around Christ. Important milestones that build a lasting legacy include things like family dedication, salvation and baptisms, preparing for adolescence, commitments to purity, rite of passages like getting a drivers license and being allowed to stay home alone, high school graduation, and experiencing life in Christ. For more information on celebrating milestones, click here.

If you want to build a legacy, create faith talks. A faith talk is when you pause the TV, lean into your kids, and share your faith using the moment just shared on the screen. A faith talk is when you ask your kids how their day was and then remind them how the Word of God can speak to their problems. A faith talk is when you connect God into everyday life. These faith talks may revolve around silly things like finding a parking space or big things where life seems to be falling apart like the death of a loved one. Faith talks can last mere seconds, but will build a lasting legacy in the hearts of your kids.

Following these three examples will create a lasting spiritual legacy in the lives of your children. Don’t allow the urgent tasks to crowd out the most important things. Pause today to take a step in the right direction.