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Prayer Stations for Kids to Keep Them Rooted in Scripture

Rooted Prayer Stations

Keeping with our tradition this year at our weekend kids event, we are bringing back prayer stations. Our theme this year is Rooted and we are focusing on God’s Word. We only have five stations this year because we are encouraging them to spend at least 10 minutes at each station.

Here they are:

Leader instructions: Please divide your Bible study groups into smaller groups and guide your smaller group through these five prayer stations. (You can move in any order, but please watch your time and try not to spend more than 10 minutes at each station.) Even though these prayer experiences are hands-on, please make sure they are approaching it with the attitude and respect our great God deserves. Before you begin, pray as a small group asking God to help you focus during this time.

Words That Encourage Station:
Read this Scripture to your group – “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Prayer experience – Share with your group that they are going to get to use God’s Word to encourage our leaders in the church. Hold up one of the encouraging scripture sheets (a sheet that has encouraging scriptures listed) and explain how God’s Word can comfort and encourage others. Explain to the kids that they will each get a sheet and a marker and will be given several minutes to spread out along the staff hall and write scriptures on staff members’ sheets, located on their doors.  They will have time to write on two or three doors, but make sure they spread out to all the offices and are not waiting on a door.
Prayer Time – As a small group, pick a staff member to pray for and gather in front of their door. Pray “popcorn style” for this church leader allowing each child to say a sentence prayer for them in any order. The adult leader will close this time in prayer.
Supplies – encouraging scripture sheet, marker and white sheets on staff doors

Scripture Path Station:
Prayer experience – Give each child a piece of sidewalk chalk and a scripture sheets. Explain that each one of them will have their own sidewalk square to decorate with these scriptures. Instruct them to take their time and write a scripture large and decorate it. After 10 minutes give them a cue that time is up. Then have them pray silently over their square.
Prayer Time – As a small group pray for all the runners, walkers and church people that will walk over these scriptures. Ask God to give them eyes to see what He would have for them.
Location – This station begins in the area right outside the back doors of the Chapel. Kids will decorate sidewalks down the street and welcome center.
Supplies – sidewalk chalk, scripture sheet

Hidden Name Rocks Station:
Prayer experience – Review the names of God you studied in session two: MIGHTY, CREATOR, HEALER, SHEPHERD, EVERLASTING, MOST HIGH, LORD OF LORDS. Ask kids to share which name means the most to them at this time in their life and why. (Give them time to share.) Instruct them to decorate one side of their rock with the name and put the scripture reference on the other side of the rock.
Prayer Time – Once they have completed their rocks, have them hold it tightly in their hands asking God to reveal Himself to them in a new way. Close this time in prayer.
Prayer experience – Escort your small group to the area of their grade’s assigned location. Instruct them to hide their rocks. Explain that we will share with the church that these rocks are hidden all over campus. Ask a child to pray out loud for those that might find their rocks.
Supplies – Names of God sheet, rocks and sharpies

Psalm Tree Station:
Prayer experience – Give each child a Psalm 1:1-3 card. As a small group read this passage out loud. Discuss what this scripture means and how it encourages us to be rooted in God’s Word. Invite children to color the front and the back of their card. When complete, direct them to tie it to one of the branches on one of the three threes on the right outside the Welcome Center doors. 
Prayer Time – After everyone has attached their Psalm to the tree, circle around the tree and ask each child to pray a one-sentence prayer asking God to help them delight in His Word.
Supplies – Psalm 1:1-3 card, ribbon, markers

Hands of Prayer Station:
Prayer experience – In our country we are blessed to be able to freely own a Bible. How many of you own more than one Bible? In some countries it is very dangerous to own a copy of God’s Word. Gather around a country poster (either North Korea, Somalia, Maldives, Libya or Uzbekistan). Read the information about why it is dangerous to own a Bible in this country. Discuss with the children ways they can pray for the believers and nonbelievers in this country. Guide kids to place their hand on the poster of the country and trace their hand. After they have traced their hand, have them pray silently for the people in that country.
Prayer Time – After everyone has had a moment to pray silently, gather together as a group and ask a member of your small group to pray out loud over this country.
Supplies – five different outlines of countries with an information sheet on each country

This article originally appeared here.

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Danielle has over 24 years of children’s ministry experience with a passion to share, disciple, and shepherd children and families with the message of Jesus. She currently serves as minister to children at the Dawson Family of Faith in Birmingham, Alabama. Danielle is a respected children’s ministry leader and trainer and has spoken regionally at local churches and nationally at children’s ministry conferences. (CPC, ETCH, KidMin conference). She is a curriculum writer for Sermons4Kids (sermons4kids.com) and has also written for Gospel project kids (gospelproject.com/kids). Danielle currently serves as the children’s ministry content editor at churchleaders.com and teaches in the Children's Ministry Certificate program a beadiscple.com. Danielle was named by Children’s Ministry Magazine as one of the Top 20 children’s ministry leaders to watch. Danielle’s blog, dandibell.com, was named one of the top 100 kids ministry blogs by ministry-to-children.com