Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Connecting With Kids: 7 Children’s Ministry Tips for Breaking the Ice

Connecting With Kids: 7 Children’s Ministry Tips for Breaking the Ice

6. Ask about their week. 

If you know the children and some things they’re involved with (soccer, dance, etc.), then ask about it. If you don’t know them, ask what favorite thing they did this week. You’ll quickly learn what’s important to kids. And talking about that topic is exactly how you’ll break the ice with them.

7. Ask children to help you.

I’ve rarely met a kid who didn’t want to help me do something in the classroom. Children want to help me set up, monitor an activity station, carry something. You get the idea. When kids feel needed and wanted, you can break the ice very quickly.

I know you have more ideas for connecting with kids. How do you break the ice with children?

This article originally appeared here.