A Letter to the Tired Children’s Ministry Leader

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


As Children’s Ministry leaders, we have all lived in seasons of hard ministry. We have faced the temptation to call it quits and move on. I’ve been in those seasons before, and this is my attempt to offer encouragement and words that you can come back to whenever needed.

Dear Tired, Undervalued, About-to-Burnout Children’s Ministry Leader,

I see your tired mind and weary body. You love what you are called to do, but you’re not sure how much longer you can make it. There are nights when you can’t sleep and mornings when you don’t want to wake up. You work yourself to the bone as if eternity depended on it. And while the results are not up to you, eternity really is our focus. The weight of such a calling is heavy. It has made you tired and weary. You need to hear these words:

Do not give up. 

In your weariness, remember that wondrous God is using you to introduce Himself to wide-eyed children who desperately need to know Him. In your moments of feeling under appreciated, remember that every conversation with a child is a chance for the Holy Spirit to reach their heart and transform their eternity. You are making a difference and God is using you to fulfill His good purpose (Philippians 2:13).

It might feel like no one understands or cares, but don’t give into that lie. Your church needs you to continue pouring into children and families. They may not see all that it takes or understand the sacrifices that you make. Your struggles to find volunteers and get support may feel like failures, but you must keep going. You are providing opportunities for others to be involved in everything God is doing to raise up a new generation who will love and serve Him.

Do not give up.

In His sovereignty, God could have placed anyone in this role, and He chose you. He chose you because you are made for this role. While He has certainly gifted you for this role, your abilities will never be enough. But His grace and power are enough. Find rest in what Jesus has done for you and who the Gospel proclaims you to be. Find strength in the God who has made and cares deeply for all things—including the kids in your ministry and you. Find hope in His promise that His word—faithfully taught in your ministry—will not return empty.

I’m sorry that you are tired and undervalued. I know that Satan has undoubtedly used those feelings to make you feel like throwing in the towel. If I could put a voice to what I think God might be saying at this very moment, I would simply say:

Do not give up.

If you are enduring a hard season and need prayer, please leave your name in the comments or contact me. I want to spend this month praying for you and your ministry.

This article originally appeared here.

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Matt Morganhttp://www.mattmo.org
Matt is husband to Dana, “Daddy” to Maggie and Macy, and Kid’s Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has served in children’s ministry for 12 years and loves to see kids come to know who Jesus is and what He has accomplished for us! Matt is passionate about equipping others to serve in the local church. Check out mattmo.org to follow along with his experiences in ministry.

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