Free Easter Play Scripts for Your Children’s Ministry Dramas

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


As your church plans for Easter, you may want to consider using free Easter play scripts. These Easter dramas are a hit with children of all ages.

Attendance at Easter worship services is usually increased. That means we have great opportunities to present the message and meaning of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

During the last few years, we’ve used different creative elements to present the Resurrection story. I’ve heard requests for free Easter play scripts or Stations of the Cross ideas. So I wanted to share these resources with you. I hope and pray they’ll help your children’s ministry and outreach!

3 Free Easter Play Scripts For Kids

1. Easter Monologues/Stations of the Cross Scripts

We present these scripts in separate rooms, with props that fit each scene. It’s like a Stations of the Cross drama. But we limit the scenes to the Triumphal Entry (Palm Sunday), Last Supper, Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus’ Trial and Crucifixion, and Jesus’ Death and Burial. After the last scene, a leader reads Matthew 28:1-10. Then we lead the kids in a time of celebratory worship because Jesus is alive!

2. Large-Group Easter Drama

After using the stations idea, we decided to create a full worship service. It incorporates similar sketches between times of singing. To transition between scenes, we use the multiple verses of the classic hymn “Were You There?”

The scripts use small groups of performers who have minimal lines. So it’s easier to use high school students or older kids for the parts. The scripts also use a narrator, which adds context to each scene.

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Matt Morgan
Matt is husband to Dana, “Daddy” to Maggie and Macy, and Kid’s Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has served in children’s ministry for 12 years and loves to see kids come to know who Jesus is and what He has accomplished for us! Matt is passionate about equipping others to serve in the local church. Check out to follow along with his experiences in ministry.

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