15 Encouraging Keys (and 10 Benefits) to Family Worship Time

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


Churches across the world have incorporated new approaches to keep their congregations connected to God’s Word and to each other in the midst of stay-at-home orders. These approaches have included emphasizing and encouraging family worship time at home.

Certainly many families have enhanced their family worship time during the quarantine and have taken advantage of the opportunity to intentionally disciple their children. Other families may have tried to use this time to establish a family worship rhythm but have felt frustrated and defeated.

No matter which camp your family finds itself in, here are:


  1. Pick a convenient time free of distractions that fits the rhythm of your home.
  2. Choose a devotional or resource that you can make “your own.”
  3. Before you begin, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to be your teacher
  4. Keep your presentation short.
  5. Prepare open-ended questions and invite discussion.
  6. Expect questions you cannot answer.
  7. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know.” Then respond, “But let’s find out together.”
  8. Have fun, be silly and creative.
  9. Don’t expect perfection.
  10. Don’t expect perfect behavior.
  11. Look for teachable or “ah-ha” moments.
  12. Don’t be afraid to go down rabbit trails.
  13. Have everyone keep a journal.
  14. Pray for specific needs of family, neighbors and friends.
  15. Make this a recurring time with your family and strive to protect it.

So families, take heart! The items in the list above don’t emphasize perfection, but consistency. Here are some:


  1. You get to bond with your spouse in a special way.
  2. You get to bond with your children.
  3. Your children will bond with you.
  4. You and your family will grow in your knowledge of the Lord together.
  5. You get to watch the Lord working in the hearts of your children.
  6. You give the Holy Spirit space to teach, convict and challenge your family.
  7. Your children get a front row seat in watching you strive to live out God’s Word in your life.
  8. The atmosphere of your home will transform.
  9. The way you love your neighbors will change.
  10. Sunday morning worship will never be the same.

While there are many concerns about the current situation with COVID-19, there’s also an opportunity for pastors and church leaders to help families establish and strengthen habits from Deuteronomy 6. Help families in your congregation confidently step into this moment. We can come out stronger on the other side of this crisis if habits found in Deuteronomy 6 become the epicenter of the home.

This article originally appeared here.

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Mark Smith
Mark Smith serves as the senior consultant for Family Evangelism and Discipleship at the BSCNC. His passion is helping families create a disciple-making culture in their homes through God’s Word and the local church. Prior to joining the Convention, Mark served in student and family ministry for over 20 years.

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