Should I Use Sermon Preparation Software?

sermon preparation software
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Is sermon preparation software (and technology in general) a help or a hindrance? Considering I’m typing this on a laptop, and many of you will read it on your smartphones, it’s obvious that technology is an integral part of our lives. Should we use it when preparing sermons? And does it have any additional impact on my life?

Over the years, I’ve used many different Bible Software programs. From the classic, eSword to BibleWorks, Accordance, SermonCentral and Logos, I’ve tried them all. And that doesn’t include the various apps I’ve used to write my sermons; including everything from Microsoft Word, Evernote, OneNote, to the notes app my phone.

4 Reasons We Should Use Sermon Preparation Software

1) Bible Software helps expand your knowledge base.

When I was young (and I mean young) my youth group leader would occasionally let me preach. I’m pretty sure I avoided any major heresies, in part because the only resources I had were my Thomas Nelson Study Bible, and Matthew Henry’s Commentary in one volume. And there’s nothing wrong with either of those!

But, they were limited both by size, and time-period. And since they were, so was I. Sermon prep software allows you to expand your knowledge base by providing vast biblical libraries at your finger tips.

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