Update April 16, 2018
Yesterday, Pastor Robert Morris was released from the hospital. Morris’s wife, Debbie, posted an update to her Instagram account, showing a picture of Morris sitting upright. “We are out of the hospital! @psrobertmorris fell asleep sitting up while I was getting us settled. A week ago, I wasn’t sure if I would have this luxury. So to say I am grateful, well….that is an understatement. God is so good!” Morris writes.
Morris underwent multiple surgeries to stop internal bleeding caused by complications from a previous surgery to remove multiple hernias.
Update April 12, 2018
Gateway Church Pastor Robert Morris continues to improve from complications following surgery. His wife Debbie is keeping church members updated on his progress. She wrote this week that Robert had his doctors are pleased with his progress although he is still having trouble sleeping.
She asks for continued prayer:
– for his levels to continue to improve.
– that there are no setbacks.
– He is able to get up and walk.
Gateway Church Pastor Robert Morris is resting comfortably after surgeons were able to stop bleeding following complications from surgery last Monday.
Yesterday, Morris was taken by helicopter to the hospital. Doctors initially thought he had an infection following his operation and discovered he had internal bleeding. CT results revealed he had a blood vessel bleeding in his abdomen and a blood clot the size of a cantaloupe. Doctors successfully stopped the internal bleeding.
The church, and Morris’s wife, Debbie, have been using social media to keep the Dallas multisite congregation apprised of Morris’ condition and several times asked for prayer.
The Facebook posts from Debbie showed pictures of the helicopter that took Morris to the hospital and images of his hospital room and multiple IV drips. Debbie wrote on Twitter, “At one point during the night I counted 9 different drip lines going into @psrobertmorris. I am grateful for the love and prayers that are dripping hope into our hearts. Pray for his blood pressure to stay in a normal range. Pray for continued improvement. Thanks to all of you for being the family of God.”
The most recent Facebook post read:
“The surgeons were able to stop the bleeding and Pastor Robert is stable. Praise God! The doctors will perform an angiogram later this morning to make sure there are no other sources of bleeding. Please continue to pray for our amazing leader and his family! We are blown away with your support. Thank you, family.”
Gateway church was the focus of a New York Times article last month about race relations in the church titled A Quiet Exodus: Why Black Worshipers Are Leaving White Evangelical Churches. It featured a black member of Gateway who decided to leave the church claiming Morris didn’t speak enough about the police shootings of African-Americans.
Morris and his wife founded Gateway church in 1999 and today the church has an an estimated weekly attendance of 36,000.
He is also the author of several books on spirituality and military history.