Jerry Falwell Jr. Sex Scandal Was Achilles Heel in Falwell’s Quest for Political Power, According to New Documentary

jerry falwell jr. becki falwell giancarlo granda
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Conversely, Granda and his family described Granda’s social anxiety as a teen, something that he began to overcome when he began working at the Fontainebleau resort. 

Granda recounted that he set up a time to meet with the Falwell couple at the Days Inn, down the road from the resort, following his encounter with Becki by the pool. They met off site because, Granda said, the Falwells’ children were staying with them. After having drinks with Becki in the lobby, Granda said the two went up to the hotel room and proceeded to have oral sex in front of Falwell Jr., while he masturbated. 

“Whenever I think of it, I just cringe at the thought of it,” Granda said. 

The Falwells have vehemently denied that Falwell Jr. was ever present for or encouraged sexual rendezvouses between Granda and Becki. Nevertheless, according to Granda, the three had one more sexual encounter that weekend, after which they spent some time together by the pool of the Fontainebleau resort.

A few weeks later, Falwell Jr. sent Granda an email with pictures of the three out by the pool of the resort. It was then that Granda’s sister pieced together who the couple was. 

After doing some research, Granda said that he told Falwell Jr. that he believed Falwell’s father was “a piece of s–t.” Granda said that Falwell Jr. responded by saying, “Yeah, a lot of people feel that way. But I’m completely different. I’m not like my dad.” Granda said that Falwell Jr. fashioned himself a forward-thinking businessman, and Granda said he liked that. 

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About a month after they first met, Granda said that he spent the weekend with the couple in Cheeca, Florida, roughly 80 miles south of Miami. Granda described sleeping in the bed with Becki, while Falwell Jr. slept nearby. 

Nevertheless, Granda said he got along with Falwell Jr., saying that the two often spoke about Falwell’s business dealings. Granda further recounted that he and Becki soon began calling and texting one another every day, with Becki being the first person outside of Granda’s family to tell him that she loved him. 

The three later stayed a weekend together in New York City. It was then that Granda said Falwell Jr. proposed giving Granda an equity stake in a property he would purchase, if Granda was willing to manage the property. 

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Granda said that later that night was when he and Becki had full sexual intercourse for the first time, further alleging that, moving forward, whenever he and Becki were finished having sex, Falwell Jr. would immediately have sex with Becki to follow. 

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Dale Chamberlain
Dale Chamberlain (M.Div) is Content Manager for ChurchLeaders. With experience in pastoral ministry as well as the corporate marketing world, he is also an author and podcaster who is passionate about helping people tackle ancient truths in everyday settings. Dale lives in Southern California with his wife Tamara and their three sons.

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