Greg Laurie’s ‘Jesus Revolution’ Releases Amid Renewed Interest in Revival

Jesus Revolution
(L) Poster courtesy of 'Jesus Revolution' (R) Joshua Initiative on YouTube, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Laurie believes America is in a “pre-revival” state rather than a “post-Christian” state.

“I think there’s a direct parallel between the late 60s and early 70s and today in so many ways. Back then, there was a generation of young people that were just so disenfranchised and were searching. There were riots in the streets. There was racial division, political division, and it’s so similar to the times we’re living in right now,” Laurie said.

Thus, it is important for Christians today to be praying that God would intervene in our nation, Laurie said, sharing that he doesn’t “really think there’s any other hope for the future of America than a spiritual awakening.”

Ironically, ChurchLeaders’ interview with Laurie took place on the 53rd anniversary of the day the Asbury Revival started in 1970 (Feb. 3). Four days later (Feb. 8), in the same auditorium, student-led worship broke out among students after the morning chapel service. As of today, 12 days later, that worship service hasn’t stopped.

RELATED: Pastor Greg Laurie Warns Against 2 Unbiblical Ideas That People Believe

Laurie explained that there is a difference between a spiritual awakening and a revival.

“I would make the distinction between an awakening and a revival, though we use the words interchangeably,” he said. “A revival, or a restoration, conveys the idea of restoring to original condition. The church needs revival. We need to get back to be more like the first century church—a church that turned their world upside down.

“Nowadays, it’s the world turning the church upside down more and more,” Laurie stated.

Explaining how the first century church spread the gospel, Laurie described how the church didn’t have modern day technology or the communication tools that we have today, yet they still changed the world in a relatively short period of time.

“Here we are today with unprecedented opportunities, and I feel like we’re not making the impact. So a revival is us being returned to original condition. So the church needs a revival,” Laurie pointed out. “But the nation needs an awakening! A spiritual awakening.”

RELATED: What Is Happening at Asbury University Wasn’t Planned—Is This the Start of Widespread Revival?

Our nation needs “awakened, revived, empowered Christians, living their life for Christ, sharing their faith with others,” Laurie said.

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here ( Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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