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Zeus vs. Jesus: Tweet Calling Jesus a ‘Fake’ God Highlights His Revolutionary Message

Several respondents to The Hellenist’s tweet pointed out that Zeus was a rapist. “I just think of a rape goose when I think of Zeus,” one person said. Another commented, “I’m not even Christian but Jesus is literally better than Zeus when it comes to virtues.”

Why Care About Greek Mythology?

It can be helpful to be familiar with Greek and other types of mythology because some critics of the Christian faith claim that Christianity co-opted pagan beliefs when it originated. Upon a close study, however, it becomes clear that while it is possible to draw some parallels, Christianity is different from these other beliefs in key ways. 

The topic is too involved to explore at length here, but one example is that the Greek gods were capricious, vindictive and selfish, in contrast to the Christian God, who is steadfast, just, and who gives himself in sacrifice for his people. Even the creation account in Genesis, which is calm, purposeful and orderly, is dramatically different from the chaotic and even violent origins of the world in Greek mythology.

For further reading on this topic, see N. T. Wright’s, “The Resurrection of the Son of God.” Michael F. Bird also has a book relevant to this discussion, titled, “Jesus Among the Gods: Early Christology in the Greco-Roman World.”