Brodersen received a number a supportive comments on his video, although several people expressed shock or sadness at his decision. “Have you no respect for your grandpa?” asked one person. “This does not shown love but desperation to make money. I am surprised your family is allowing this.”
In a statement to ChurchLeaders, Brodersen said, “What they don’t see in the video is everything I’m not selling. I haven’t been the smartest person financially speaking, so if I can get this money to pay off some of my debt, that would be great.”
Brodersen explained that he has already been grieving the loss of his grandfather for the past two years as Stanley has been in and out of the hospital. “It was an emotional rollercoaster for two years,” Brodersen said. “When he eventually passed away, I had already done a lot of grieving that people didn’t get to see or know about. His funeral to me was more of a celebration because I knew he’s with Jesus now and not in so much pain getting rushed to the hospital and then brought back home to be put on hospice again…It was nice knowing all the rush of it was over and he made it to heaven.”