Pastor John Gray to Ransomware Attackers: ‘Leave the Things of God Alone’

john gray
Screenshot from YouTube / @RelentlessChurch


WYFF4 said it located “a ransomware operation online that boasted being responsible” for the attack on Relentless Church. According to the news outlet, the operation claimed it “accessed financial data as well as other information from the church.” The U.S. government has listed the suspected culprit in a #StopRansomware advisory.

The online attack comes amid a rough stretch for Relentless Church and Pastor Gray. In the past few years, John Gray has been embroiled in two lawsuits, come under fire for his lavish lifestyle, and addressed rumors about an inappropriate relationship (admitting that some were accurate).

Last summer, Gray faced a serious health scare. The pastor was hospitalized with a saddle pulmonary embolism and blood clots in his lungs. His recovery, according to wife Aventer, was a “miracle” resulting from prayer.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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