Sallee described how God uses Pentatonix wherever they go, whether in large venues such as Madison Square Garden or at a children’s hospital. “God is everywhere, and he uses us,” added Sallee. “And he uses so many different people in different areas and arenas to just spread his love and because they choose to choose him. It’s really cool, and I’m really passionate about it.”
Sallee, the son of a music pastor, grew up in the church and had a “constant and consistent” walk with God. However, he told The Christian Post about a “crisis of faith” he experienced during college. The singer rededicated his life to Christ and to “worshiping the One who created me.” Staying distant from God wasn’t an option, Sallee added, because “I crave being in his presence.”
Sallee also said he’s encouraged that God is “breaking down” the notion that entertainers and celebrities can’t be outspoken about their Christian faith.