These worship quotes will inspire greater worship in all of us.
“…Day and night they never stop saying: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” Revelation 4:8
Can you imagine that day? The day you leave this broken, desperate world and enter into the arms of The Father, who you will gladly praise without ceasing for all of eternity?
I love the imagery painted of this in the song “I Can Only Imagine,” where Bart Millard writes, “Will I stand in your presence, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing Hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all…”
It’s incredible to imagine what worship will be like in heaven. But if we’re really honest, worship here on earth isn’t always what the Bible calls for it to be.
If you’ve been a worship leader long enough (or even just part of the “church world” for any amount of time), you know that sometimes the Holy Spirit can become drowned out by what we try to make worship.
If you’re being really honest with yourself, there might even be a chance that the thought of worshipping with all of your being, for all of eternity, sounds less like a privilege, and more like an exhausting amount of work.
The root of worship is much like the Bible—untucked and messy. And in the hustle and bustle of leading others in worship, sometimes we can get lost in our own connection to the real reason we “sing like never before.”
God doesn’t call us to worship because he wants to see a good and perfect show. He wants US, wholly, and humbly praising His glory with all of our heart, mind and soul.
But you already know that.
Perhaps all you need is some insightful perspective. The Bible is obviously loaded with Scripture about worship. But as church leaders, we also recognize value in the ways God speaks through others. May the worship quotes below encourage you.
Here are 20 Inspiring Worship Quotes: For Worship Leaders, by Worship Leaders
2. “The worship to which we are called in our renewed state is far too important to be left to personal preferences, to whims or to marketing strategies. It is the pleasing of God that is at the heart of worship. Therefore, our worship must be informed at every point by the Word of God as we seek God’s own instructions for worship that is pleasing to Him.” —R.C. Sproul
3. “He loves our praise, it’s His conduit to break open heaven.” —Jacob Cook
4. “I need to worship because without it I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on.” —John Ortberg
6. “But just as your body needs sleep, your soul needs time to rest in God. To learn more about Him. To talk to Him. To worship and praise Him. To fellowship with other brothers and sisters.” —Craig Groeschel
7. “The aim is not to be worship leaders, but to be worshippers.” —Unknown
8. “If you’re not worshiping God on Monday, the way you did the day before, perhaps you’re not worshiping him at all.” —A.W. Tozer
9. “God directs his people not simply to worship but to sing his praises ‘before the nations.’ We are called not simply to communicate the gospel to nonbelievers; we must also intentionally celebrate the gospel before them.”—Timothy J. Keller
10. “Worship is an incredible privilege, not a religious duty.” —Unknown
11. “The purpose of this Christian society called “the church” is first to glorify God by our worship. We do not go to church just to hear a sermon. We go to church to worship God.” —Billy Graham
12. “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” —Victor Hugo
13. “Worship is the proper response of all moral, sentient beings to God, ascribing all honor and worth to their Creator-God precisely because he is worthy, delightfully so.” —D.A. Carson
15. “I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.” —A.W. Tozer
16. “Worship is more than singing. It’s more than just lyrics to a song. Worship is standing in the presence of God and declaring praises to His name.” —Unknown
17. “The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service.” —Billy Graham
18. “Even when it hurts, we can praise Him. Even in the storms of life, we can find Him. In those situations our calling is tested. Are we truly ready to pick up our cross and follow Him?” —John Williams
19. “There are no unique postures and times and limitations that restrict our access to God. My relationship with God is intimate and personal. The Christian does not go to the temple to worship. The Christian takes the temple with him or her. Jesus lifts us beyond the building and pays the human body the highest compliment by making it His dwelling place, the place where He meets with us.” —Ravi Zacharias
What worship quotes would you add?