“The Chosen” creator Dallas Jenkins and Brandon Snipe, known as “The Chosen Sleuth,” have both watched the show, frame-by-frame, multiple times. Along with hundreds of millions of other viewers, their lives have been touched by Scriptures portrayed on screen.
“Having the context for the Jewish world is probably the thing that’s improved my faith the most,” said Spine.
But can Jenkins and Snipe recognize specific quotes and identify them as being from “Frozen” or “The Chosen?”
Dallas Jenkins and ‘The Chosen Sleuth’ Team Up for a Quiz, Identifying Quotes from ‘Frozen’ or ‘The Chosen’
Jenkins joined Snipe, The Chosen Sleuth, for a just-for-fun game. The duo worked together as random quotes were given to them. For each quote, they were to identify whether the words were from “Frozen” or “The Chosen.”
Throughout the game, Jenkins offered behind-the-scenes tidbits from “The Chosen.” He even revealed the first line ever written for the show.
“What we try to do with ‘The Chosen’ is not only give you these moments from Scripture, but set them up in a way that when they happen they really make sense,” said Jenkins. He and his team work to create “an emotional resonance in addition to spiritual resonance.”
The quick game consisted of eight quotes. Do you know if these quotes were said in “Frozen” or “The Chosen?”
“I like you. We’re on the same team, just don’t make me kill you.”
“Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours.”
“That was like a crazy trust exercise.”
“There is a lot you will give up, but what you gain is far greater.”
“How is this the second most incredible thing I’ve seen today?”
“I’m here. What do you need?”
“I was one way and now I’m completely different.”
“Oh look, I’ve been impaled.”
Answers are revealed on the next page.