Gateway Church Appoints 4 New Elders, Continues Search for New Senior Pastor

gateway church
Tra Willbanks introduces four new Gateway elders. Screengrab from YouTube / @gatewaychurchtv


“There is one group of individuals that knew without a doubt that Cindy Clemishire was 12 when the abuse began,” said Willbanks. “And there is a second group, who knew of allegations of sexual abuse by Robert Morris, who had enough information that should have led them to ask more questions, but they did not.”

“As of today, no individual in either group serves as an elder, is employed by, or works at Gateway Church,” Willbanks said. “They have been removed.”

In that update, Willbanks also informed the congregation that Robert Morris had made financial demands of Gateway, which the church was refusing to fulfill. Moreover, the church was “currently and fully cooperating with an ongoing criminal investigation.” However, Willbanks stated that neither “the church nor its current leadership are subjects of this criminal investigation.”

In November, it also came to light that church giving was down by 35%-40%. 

RELATED: Gateway Church Congregants Take Up Morris’ Offer To Get ‘Money Back’ on Tithes

In his Jan. 28 update, Willbanks said Gateway Church is now “working through a process” of potential pastoral candidates and this process is “lengthy” and “involved.” Church members are participating in that process, as are some pastors. “This is something we want to get right, not fast,” said Willbanks.

Leaders are not “just looking for another hire to come in and speak at the church. We are looking for a leader who can also feed the church, while also casting vision and leading our church organization.”

During this waiting period, Willbanks said that Gateway should focus on discipleship, building a multigenerational congregation, loving communities like Jesus would, and pursuing God’s presence in prayer and worship. 

In the latter part of the video, Willbanks said, “We are thrilled to announce that we are adding four new elders.” The elders currently listed on Gateway Church’s website are Willbanks, Dane Minor, and Kenneth W. Fambro, II.

“These four men have graciously accepted this role knowing the challenges that we faced over the past six months,” said Willbanks, sharing that there would be a time of prayer over the men on Feb. 8-9. Gateway chose the elders based on recommendations from church staff and the congregation, and Willbanks shared that the men meet the biblical criteria for elders outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.

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Jessica Lea
Jessica is a content editor for and the producer of The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast. She has always had a passion for the written word and has been writing professionally for the past five years. When Jessica isn't writing, she enjoys West Coast Swing dancing, reading, and spending time with her friends and family.

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