In a sermon titled “The Eyewitness Account of Creation,” John MacArthur challenged every Christian who believes in evolution that science has nothing to say about creation. Preaching out of the early chapters of Genesis, MacArthur showed how God alone was witness to the beginning of the universe. He emphasized the biblical account over scientific theories, like evolution. The John MacArthur on creation message emphasized: “The Bible is not theory, it is not, as such; it is history, it is fact, it is reality, it is truth.
MacArthur illustrated this point:
“If God came to you and said, ‘I made everything in six days.’Â
What would you say? ‘Well you see God there are some things you need to know about science.'”
MacArthur continued to poke holes in the credibility of evolutionary science,
“Science came into existence as a result of creation. Science has nothing to say about creation. All science is based on observation, verification by repetition. You observe it, you verify it by repeating it. Creation had no observers. It can’t be verified because it can’t be repeated. It is not observable; it is not repeatable. It did not happen according to any laws that we know about. It did not happen by a way that is predictable, repeatable or fixed. In a word, creation was a massive, supernatural miracle. And if you just let it be what it is, you’re going to get science out of it; and science belongs out of it.”
Later in the sermon, MacArther reminded his listeners how God might respond to those who believe in evolution, quoting Job 38:
“Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said: “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Dress for action like a man; I will question you, and you make it known to me. “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements—surely you know!”