Nothing But the Truth


Throughout our global society, truth is ill-defined and in short supply. Is truth yours, mine, or ours? Should it be politically modulated or is the very concept of truth so politically incorrect that it should be avoided? Is truth extinct? 

According to Barna Group research, 70% of Americans believe there is NO absolute truth. Even in the Church, the concept of truth has been tarnished by secular confusion—damaging our harmony and diminishing our witness.

There may be no greater threat to Christianity than a world that cannot comprehend truth combined with a Church that fails to stand up for it.

It’s imperative, perhaps now more than ever, that the Church shift her focus from the world’s conceptual struggle with truth to the definable and victorious PERSON of TRUTH, answering Pilate’s throw-away question “What is truth?” with a resounding one-word declaration: Jesus!

Pastor Adrian Rogers, the founder of our ministry at Love Worth Finding, taught faithfully from the timeless truth of the Word of God, and long-recognized the erosion of truth in our culture as a great danger for the Church and for our nation. “We’re only one generation away from paganism,” he correctly forecasted prior to his death in 2005. He also said, encouragingly, “If only 10 percent of the people who call themselves Christians were on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ, we’d change this nation.”

We’re calling the 10 percent, and then some! This is the passion behind the new documentary film, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH (, and a new church package on truth called THE CHURCH EXPERIENCE.

The truth—as presented in the Person of Jesus Christ and revealed in the Word of God—is the unashamed focus of every piece of sound reasoning in the film offered by Pastor Rogers along with such respected voices as Lee Strobel, Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Al Mohler, Ed Newton, Len Munsil, Dr. Johnny Hunt, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Mike Huckabee, Jenifer Rothschild, Trillia Newbell, Ken Whitten, Jonathan Falwell, Dave Ramsey and others.

The film is now available for digital or DVD purchase, and has already been shown to hundreds of congregations at no cost as part of THE CHURCH EXPERIENCE from Love Worth Finding. The vision is for churches to set aside a period of time to learn, discuss, and promote truth.

The EXPERIENCE, available at, includes:

  • a limited license to show the film
  • a seven-day email challenge focused on TRUTH in daily living (available to those inside and outside your church)
  • four-week, small-group discussion guides and film clips (one set for adults and one for children and youth); these are suitable for use in Sunday schools, small-group meetings, and even homeschool sessions
  • a bonus fifth week to the discussion guides that provides a presentation of the Gospel and invites people to come to faith in Christ
  • sermon outlines, overviews, and transcripts that pastors and teachers may utilize as needed to develop or supplement targeted messages about TRUTH; these may stand alone or may be used in a series
  • digitally downloadable promotional material churches may use to invite members and others to events

Churches are already reporting back to Love Worth Finding about their special events and the valuable dialogue opening up in families, small groups and Sunday school classes.

“Laura” in Tennessee wrote to us after moderating a four-week, small-group discussion series related to the film: “We discovered that facts change but real truth from the Word of God never changes. We had really healthy discussions, and sometimes disagreements, but we learned to look at those things we disagreed about in light of God’s Word.”

As Mike Huckabee said so well in the film, “If I’m God, what I think really matters. If I’m God, what I believe really matters. If I’m God, what I feel really matters. But if I’m not God, I need to make sure that what I think, what I believe, and what I feel matches up to something bigger than me.”

Together, the NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH film and THE CHURCH EXPERIENCE are leading churches into a season of dialogue about:

  • the conflict between biblical truth and individually-determined truth
  • the erosion of truth in our culture (backed up with research from Barna Group)
  • the Christian’s susceptibility to the same lies bought and sold by those who don’t claim Christ
  • our responsibilities as Christian citizens
  • contending for the faith
  • sharing truth in love
  • recognizing Jesus as THE TRUTH

As Jennifer Rothschild says in the film: “You can’t replace lies with the truth unless you know the truth. …Ultimately Jesus is truth. …People talk about their own truth. …I do not want my own truth because I don’t trust me enough to have my own truth. I have decided that I’m going to find the truth according to the one who proclaimed to be the truth. When I put my life and my thoughts up against His life and His teaching, then I’m really able to know the truth and that truth sets me free.”

We at Love Worth Finding are praying that this film will open the eyes of those who do not yet know the Lord to see Jesus as the way, the TRUTH, and the life, and that it will help believers replace lies with truth in their thinking, live truthfully in marriage, and influence the next generation to live for and stand for the TRUTH of the Gospel.

Pastor Rogers taught, “We’re to praise our country when it does right; we’re to preach to our country when it does wrong.” NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH can help pastors and church members alike “preach” (literally, and in their day-to-day interactions) to a country that has turned away from the truth—using cogent arguments and a winsome voice.

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Cary E. Vaughn
Cary E. Vaughn is the CEO and President of Love Worth Finding Ministries, Inc., the worldwide media ministry of Adrian Rogers, which reaches into 196 countries and millions of households every day. LWF maintains high exposure for the gospel of Jesus Christ across all social media platforms, television, and more than 2,500 radio outlets. Having previously served under Adrian Rogers on the staff at Bellevue Baptist Church, Cary has served in his current role with LWF since 2011. Cary is a Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) Advisory Board Member, a member of National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), and a lifetime member of the University of Memphis Alumni Association. He also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors for LWF Canada as well as several other ministry board memberships. Cary and his wife, Lalania, have been married for 29 years, and they have two children, Logan and Colton.

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