May the grace of God equip you to work every minute, every hour, and every day as unto the Lord. And may your see your work as a true gift from our Creator.
4. Working is the Abundant Life.
Experiencing joy in work isn’t so much about the job position you fill in order to collect a paycheck each month—or even the size of that paycheck. It’s far more about fulfilling your calling. This is a call that never goes away regardless of how old or young you are. The ways you work will change from season to season, but your work will continue to be a way for you to live out who God created you to be.
When you apply the gifts and talents Jesus has given you, you will live abundantly. You won’t always get paid for these things, but the glory of God is on display when you use what he’s given you.
You have an intrinsic need to work. And it’s not a need that we shouldn’t merely bury beneath the weight of our 9-5 job. See your work as something to exercise with joy in whatever ways you can.
This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.