How to Honor Disrespectful People

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Everybody has folks in their life that are rude, crude, and downright disrespectful. The question isn’t whether or not you have these people in your life, but instead how to deal with them, respond to them, and handle the sometimes stressful relationships as a whole. How do we honor disrespectful people?

This is a question I get asked all the time. Whether via email, text, or a conversation over coffee, people yearn to understand the process of honoring someone who constantly shows them the opposite.

Who Are They?

  • Family: Sometimes the hardest to handle because of their closeness.
  • Friends: Long-term friendships can become strained by disrespect.
  • Acquaintances: People you encounter regularly but aren’t close to.
  • A spouse: The dynamics of marriage can make this particularly painful.
  • Your kids: Disrespectful behavior in children can challenge parental authority.
  • Your boss: Professional relationships require a delicate balance.

How to Honor Disrespectful People

1 Peter 2:17 says, “Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” Although this seems straightforward, how do we make this a reality in our lives?

Honoring disrespectful people does not mean tolerating abuse. It doesn’t mean you never confront problems or allow yourself to be constantly walked on.

How Do We Honor Disrespectful People?

  1. Show them love even if they don’t deserve it. (1 John 4:19)
    • Reflect Christ’s unconditional love by being kind and patient.
  2. Honor them without agreeing with them. (2 Corinthians 6:14)
    • Respect their humanity even if you disagree with their actions.
  3. Seek peace even if they aren’t looking for it. (Romans 12:18)
    • Strive to be a peacemaker, creating an environment of reconciliation.
  4. Set boundaries, love from a distance, and keep yourself from harm. (Psalm 104:9)
    • Healthy boundaries are essential. Protect your well-being while still showing respect.
  5. Seek God. (Hebrews 12:2)
    • Stay grounded in your faith, seeking God’s guidance in handling difficult relationships.

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Jarrid Wilson
Jarrid Wilson was a husband, pastor and author relentlessly sharing the love of Jesus. In September of 2019, Jarrid tragically passed away by suicide. He is survived by his wife, Juli, and his two sons, Finch and Denham. His larger than life personality, heart for all people and passion for telling others about the grace and love of Jesus was unmatched, and he is greatly missed by all who knew and loved him. We stand on the promise of Revelation 21:4 that reminds us that in heaven, there is no more sorrow, suffering or death. Hope gets the last word.

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