Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 9 Things That Worked in the Church a Decade Ago That Don’t...

9 Things That Worked in the Church a Decade Ago That Don’t Today

In a culture that markets everything to death, people are longing for authenticity.

Fortunately, that’s at the heart of the Gospel.

What has to die, of course, is the leader who acts like he or she has it all together: the plastic veneer we put on hoping nobody sees the real us.

Well, none of us has it all together. And while there shouldn’t be any gaping unaddressed character holes in your life, letting people see the real you (even if it scares you) is essential.

These days, letting people see you’re human is a prerequisite for ministry to fellow humans.

6. A self-centered mission

Be careful to avoid church fails by not making the mission about your church.

When your church has had a little success, it’s easy to become self-centered.

The people you’re trying to reach aren’t interested in your church.

What they’re interested in (whether they realize it or not) is Jesus. And his mission.

Churches that are obsessed about how big they are, how many programs they offer and how much better they are than other churches have a limited shelf-life.

The true mission isn’t about your church. It’s about THE church. THAT resonates.

7. Random programming

The bigger your church, the more you will be tempted to add programs and ministries.
