Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 10 Christian Dating Principles That Could Transform Lives

10 Christian Dating Principles That Could Transform Lives

The culture says, “Date around. It’s OK. Get to know yourself.” And as soon as the person you are dating smacks his or her gum the wrong way, you are out. So, the default for years is to leave as soon as a flaw arises. Suddenly, when marriage begins, you are asked to flip a switch.

You are asked to go from a mentality that says “end a relationship as soon as difficulty arises,” to one that says “don’t end the relationship regardless of the difficulty that arises.”

That’s a tough switch to flip. Date with a trajectory toward marriage. Date intentionally.

6) It’s OK to WANT to get married.

You desire marriage. Praise God. He gives you the desire. Let me prove it.

The first instance in the Bible where God is not pleased comes when God sees Adam living in the Garden of Eden alone (Gen. 2:18). God knows it is not good for man to be by himself. Enter Eve, procreation and marriage (not necessarily in that order).

People are created to be in community. And the most intimate community on earth is the relationship you will have with your spouse. So, pray for God to send you a spouse. But don’t allow the desire to consume your life.

Be patient. Wait on the Lord. If you are confident God called you to marry, he will deliver.

7) It’s OK NOT to get married.

While marriage is a huge sanctifier, it is not something God says is mandatory. If you aren’t ready for marriage, or if you do not want to get married, you are not sinning.

I am fearful the Christian community has irresponsibly coerced men and women into marriage through cultural pressure. There must be a secret bylaw passed down from the early church fathers, but once you reach the age of 25 you will be asked the question almost weekly … “When are you getting married?”

Can you imagine how constantly hearing this question from friends, family and unsuspecting old ladies at church can make some people believe they have a problem?

If you aren’t ready to date, don’t allow the cultural pressure to override God’s plan.

Disclaimer: If you are single, understand it is your responsibility to steward your time well. Singleness is a gift from God, but singleness is not an excuse to be lazy. It is an opportunity to serve the Lord.