Well, you cast a big vision.
Vision creates something out of nothing. It turns impossibility into reality.
It startles people out of their complacency, stops them from settling for less and moves them to action they wouldn’t otherwise take except for the vision of what could be.
Too many leaders forget that vision precedes money and people. Why? Because vision always precedes resources. Sometimes all you have is a vision…and that’s enough to get started.
And remember, resources follow vision. They never precede it.
If you want to attract a team and resources, cast a big, clear and compelling vision.
2. Raise Your Church Outreach Passion Level
Does passion really matter? You bet it does. More than you think.
Passion is different than hype. Hype attempts to manufacture something that doesn’t quite ring true.
Passion runs deep. It’s authentic. It resonates. And it’s contagious.
No amount of money can ever substitute for a lack of passion.
Leaders, your team will never be more passionate about the mission than you are.
If you’re disturbed by the lack of passion in your team, look in the mirror. If you’re not fogging mirrors, they never will.