Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions Why Most Churches That Start Small…Stay Small

Why Most Churches That Start Small…Stay Small

What will you NOT do as you get bigger?

How will your structure change and adapt?

What will you DO as you get bigger?

Those are all strategy questions. And many leaders haven’t sat down with their team to answer them.

As a result, you start small and often stay small.

It doesn’t matter how big your dreams are.

Strategy trumps intention. And hope is not a strategy.

If you want to read more on the relationship between mission, vision and strategy, read this.

2. Underfunding

I understand poorly funded ministries.

One of the churches I started at had a $4,000 annual budget. And no, I’m not making that up.

I also completely understand that vision always precedes resources and people. That’s a great thing. You should always have more vision than you have money and people.

But here’s what’s true: I’ve seen well-funded church plants flop and shoe-string plants thrive.

You can start on a shoestring, but often churches never make it past that.