How Do I Show Hospitality When I’m Single?

Hospitality as a Single?


-I can’t prepare the food and keep the conversation going.

I try to have as much of the food ready ahead of time as possible.  On Sundays, I usually cook in the crockpot so things are ready when I get home from worship.  If the guest offers to bring something, I usually let them contribute a dessert or salad.  I try to keep things simple enough to allow me to enjoy my guests.  Furthermore, I don’t just prepare food.  I prepare questions.  As I’m chopping vegetables beforehand, I think about and pray for the people I’m having over.  I consider what kinds of questions they might want to be asked.  That way, I am able to carry on conversation while serving once they arrive.   This isn’t cheating—it’s taking practical steps to love people well!

-It’s just not feasible for so-and-so to come over.

Sometimes, this is true.  Maybe your home isn’t handicap accessible.  Nap times and early bedtimes may make it difficult for some young families to come over.  In these cases, I shamelessly invite myself over.  I usually say something like: “I’d love to have you to my place.  I realize that might be difficult for you given your current circumstances.  Would it ever work for me to bring dinner to you?  The house doesn’t need to  be perfectly clean.  I’d just enjoy coming over and being part of your family for an evening.”  I’ve done hospitality-to-go a handful of times, and it’s a lot of fun.

-People won’t like my cooking.

Are you more worried about showcasing your cooking or loving the person you are inviting over?  Do the best you can, given your time, budget, and culinary inclinations.  It’s fine to have a list of easy “go to” recipes for hospitality, even if that list is only one or two recipes long.

-I am a guy.

Single guys can be hospitable too.  Over the years, I’ve known a few single guys who have found ways to practice hospitality.  In fact, one of these guys impressed me so much that we’re planning to spend the rest of our lives showing hospitality together.

Encouragement for Hospitality as a Single

In every congregation I’ve been a part of, I’ve had the privilege of learning from the wonderful examples of many hospitable people.  As I’ve worked to emulate these examples, I think I’ve still made (and learned from) just about every hospitality mistake in the book.  I’ve found that my guests are overwhelmingly gracious.  Even when my hospitality is a work in progress, people know when the love is genuine.  There are many lonely people in your church and community who need your care and friendship.  May the Lord give you grace to surprise and bless someone with your hospitality.

This article about hospitality as a single originally appeared here.

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Rachel Dinkledine
United to Christ by no merit of my own. Servant. Sister. Friend.

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