4 Ways Churches Can Build a Culture of Radical Hospitality
It’s not just about staff and volunteers greeting people, but more of a complete shift to the entire congregation modeling hospitality.
Ann Voskamp: What We Are Missing in God’s Vision for Hospitality
"It's not about becoming like Julia Child," says Ann Voskamp. "Hospitality is about welcoming in the marginalized as the next child of God."
Articles for Outreach & Missions
How Do I Show Hospitality When I’m Single?
Hospitality as a single can be surprising. I find that people in the church are often surprised to see a single person practicing hospitality. I’ve never understood why.
Margaret Feinberg: How Food Reveals the Heart of God
"People," says Margaret Feinberg, "are hungry for so much more than an app, an entree, and a dessert.” And yet God uses hospitality to knock down barriers that would be insurmountable otherwise.
Articles for Small Group Leaders
How Hospitality Creates Multiplication
The practice of hospitality makes us better servants.
Articles for Small Group Leaders
Why Hospitality Is a Leader’s Secret Weapon
I know hospitality isn’t something you’ve commonly associated with definitions of leadership, but it’s critical to our effectiveness that we begin to do so.
Articles for Pastors
How to Create an Inviting Culture in Your Church
Maybe the only experiences people in your church have ever had with talking about church or inviting someone are downright painful.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Why Hospitality Is for All Christians
Radically ordinary hospitality—those who live it—see strangers as neighbors and neighbors as family of God.