Home Pastors A Sermon From Joel Osteen on Hell? Not Likely

A Sermon From Joel Osteen on Hell? Not Likely

Hell is an uncomfortable subject. People often say that a loving God couldn’t send people to hell. That the idea of hell is inconsistent with love, mercy, and grace. As Tim Keller says, hell is actually consistent with the ideas of love, mercy, and grace. Not only consistent but necessary when those virtues of God are rejected.

In some ways, the fairest understanding of the afterlife is the Christian one, which says God gives you what you want. If you want to live with God forever, that’s heaven, and you get it. If you want to be your own person, your own savior, your own lord, that’s hell, and you get that – and you stay wanting it; you do not suddenly change your mind. – Tim Keller

There is no doubt that God is love and that he desires for us to know him, to walk with him and be in union with him. Jesus, in his high priestly prayer in John 17, says that eternal life is to know the one true God and Jesus himself who was sent by God. There is verse after verse about the mercy of God exhibited through the sending of Jesus to this earth to give sinners, the lost – us, the chance to be saved.

And ultimately, that is what the preaching of hell integrated into the preaching of the fullness of the gospel is intended to do and why the views of Joel Osteen on hell are so alarming. The Scriptures not only paint a bigger picture of who God is but remind us of what we are and why we so desperately need a Savior and a Lord. Heaven is a promise to those who have come into the gospel of Jesus, who have loved Him, walked with Him and been obedient to His commands. Hell is the reminder that God is justified to send us there if we have refused to repent, refusing the gracious gift of salvation through faith in Christ.

As pastors and leaders in the church, we cannot fail to include hell alongside other doctrines such as sanctification, justification, repentance, and right relationship and intimacy with Jesus. If we do so, we not only do a disservice to those that God has entrusted to us, but to our own calling as well.

God has entrusted us with his word, gospel and people. We must not shy away from preaching the full counsel of God, presenting people with the fullness of who Jesus is in light of who and what we are and that without him, the wages of our sin is death.