Home Pastors 4 Layers To Gaining Wisdom

4 Layers To Gaining Wisdom

Gaining wisdom requires a willingness to think at deeper levels, ironically in places perhaps we don’t understand and need wisdom to access.

The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception. (Proverbs 14:8)

You may be making a million-dollar decision, contemplating releasing a beloved staff member, or selecting a city for the next campus launch.

There is so much information in your head that everything is just spinning to the point that it turns to mush. And you need wisdom to get out of the mush, let alone make a decision.

We’ve all been there.

This is where a needed breakthrough from wise counsel becomes invaluable.

A meaningful conversation with two or three spiritual leaders you trust, and respect can help open doors to wisdom that seemed unattainable or at least elusive on your own.

You need not travel the road alone in your pursuit of wisdom, wise leaders can help you, but you must be willing to dig in and invest effort and energy on your part first.

4. Pressing Through

Wisdom is not like a beautiful painting on a wall, hanging there for us to admire and enjoy. Instead, it’s meant for use.

A great deal of wisdom is accumulated first from God, and then it’s up to us to press through and not give up.

Pressing through problems is part of leadership.

If we are not facing problems, engaging difficulties, and working on solutions, wisdom has no place to take root and show fruit.

When we learn from our mistakes, develop character, and stay close to God, His wisdom in us compounds over time.

When you press through challenging situations, don’t just put your head down; close your eyes and march dutifully forward. Then, look up, learn, and accumulate wisdom from any roadblocks or setbacks you experience.

Wisdom is a lifetime endeavor. There is beauty and joy in knowing we’ll never know all there is to know, but God does, and He is with us!

Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. (Proverbs 4:5-6)

This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.