People are welcome to come to our services at Oasis if they never sing a word or never lift their hands, but I know that there are many believers who need things in their lives that they’ll never get unless they become worshipers.
3. Worship Earnestly
It’s difficult to explain the word “earnest.” It means – with passion – but that’s not all. It also means sincerity and intention.
…true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. John 4:23
A runner leaning forward to reach the finish line is a picture I get in my mind when I think of earnestly pursuing God.
Earnestly worshipping is looking to God. Not a glance but a look.
Look intently at His majesty – His presence – His promise.
We glance at people, but we focus on God.
We glance at the worship singers, but we focus on God.
The same way we look in the mirror – intently – to get ready for a special event. Your perspective is changed in the presence of God.
Every time you go into worship – expect God to speak to you.
How much do we want to hear His voice, and how little effort do we put into pursuing His presence?
What helps you in your personal worship?