How Long Can You Succeed in Ministry Without God?

ministry without god
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He ignored their service run-down, he tore up their resource table, and he violated their policies and procedures.

Every time he came to a service, havoc ensued. Finally, they had to either completely change the way they did church or kill God. They chose to kill God.

I am all for policies, procedures, strategy, training, planning and technology. In fact, except for policies and procedures, these are the things I love the most. And I am amazed to see how effectively churches use these tools to reach people far from God and lead them into biblical discipleship.

What scares me, shakes me to my core, however, is how easily we can substitute the tools of worship for genuine worship, for ministry without God.

How often we find ourselves worshipping the creation rather than the creator. How many weekends we leave church feeling satisfied because the music was good, the sermon was well received and the attendance was up, without even considering if God was pleased. How long has it been since I have been on my face before God, desperate to hear from him, knowing that I am absolutely toast without him.

When was the last time I was so hungry to experience the power and presence of God that I could not eat, I could not sleep, until I felt the supernatural touch of his Holy Spirit? When was the last time I was so overwhelmed by the responsibility of preaching the Word that I could barely breathe?

It’s not all that hard to build a ministry without God.

What a terrifying place to be.

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Geoff Surratt
Geoff has served on the leadership teams at Seacoast Church and Saddleback Church, and as Managing Director of Exponential. He is the author of several books, including Together: A Guide for Couples in Ministry written with his wife Sherry. Along with writing, Geoff coaches churches and leaders around the U.S. and in Europe. Geoff lives in Denver, Colorado. Twitter: @geoffsurratt

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