Prior to full-time pastoral ministry, I worked for several years in a Fortune 500 company. As in most companies, there were people who were highly respected experts. They were able to do their job well, advance and experience great professional success.
At the same time, many seemed to do it mostly alone. They really seemed like loners who had their way of doing things and they did it well. One thing I remember is that not only did people keep their own trade secrets close to the vest, they also frequently knocked the ladder out from others trying to climb up with them. I am not describing a unique professional environment here. Many companies and professionals thrive on this type of competition.
Pastoral Ministry Is Never a Competition
Interestingly, as I was coming up the ladder professionally, I was also considering whether or not full-time pastoral ministry was something that I should pursue. I would try to get time with church leaders to ask questions and get counsel. I found that my requests were largely ignored or worse—critically received. As I lived in the professional environment but was desirous of the ministry environment, I became frustrated (and embarrassed) that the church reflected an unhealthy and unbiblical business model.
Over the last decade or so, God has been very kind to lead me to multiple pastors who do not fit into this model. They don’t walk around with a saw in their satchel ready to cut out the rungs from your pastoral ministry development. Instead, they walk with you and help you get better.