Home Pastors Articles for Pastors This World IS My Home and I’m NOT Just Passing Through

This World IS My Home and I’m NOT Just Passing Through

Why? Because it’s longing to be destroyed? No. Because it’s longing to be restored and redeemed like the entire universe will one day be, like those in Christ.

Embodying and Enacting God’s Redemptive Story

Our bodies are important. The earth and universe are important.

For those in Christ, our bodies are with us forever. And, the earth and universe are with us forever.

The gift of eternal life doesn’t begin when we die, it began the day we committed our lives to God in Christ and joined his Kingdom project.

We’re not just passing through as “man’s ultimate destiny is an earthly one.” —George Eldon Ladd

God has some unbelievable plans for all of us.

Jesus didn’t come to set up some sort of divine escape plan.

No, Jesus came to teach and demonstrate, embody and enact, showcase and reveal, the kingdom of God. A kingdom that is already here and a kingdom that will one day be here in full. A kingdom we are called to embody now as we point to the completed kingdom on the horizon.

As ambassadors, we point people to this kingdom and its King. In all we do and say, we lead people to our King and to his goal of cosmic redemption and restoration.

As Brian Zahnd once said, “Salvation is a restoration project, not an evacuation project.”

I couldn’t agree more.

The earth and our bodies are precious to God. And God has destined both to be redeemed and restored to reflect Jesus’ own post-resurrection body, the first fruits that showcased God’s plan for the entire universe.

This world IS my home and I’m NOT just passing through.

What a hope! What a vision! What a story!