Everyone is fighting some kind of battle or at least knows someone who is fighting. This is why the command to encourage each other daily is very important. Kim Meeder, who is Co-founder and Director of Crystal Peaks Youth Camp, was reminded of the power of encouragement and listening to God through writing a “corny” poem to someone.
In the video, Meeder recounts a moment at a conference when someone rushed up to her asking her to sign a book for her friend. Kim immediately sensed that she wasn’t supposed to simply write her name but that the Lord wanted to her to write something more. She then proceeded to write what she believes was the most “atrocious” poem she had ever written. She wrote phrases like, “I love you more than the stars in the sky” and “I love you more than the sands on the sea”. Phrases that to this day make Kim think of really bad Hallmark cards. So much so that as the lady was leaving Kim thought to herself that she had just made a fool of both her and the Lord.
A few moments later Kim noticed a lady at the end of the line who was visibly emotional with her face soaking wet with tears. Though it took an hour for Kim to get to this lady, when she got to her she noticed that the lady was gripping the book containing the “bad” poem that Kim had just written. Trembling in tears this lady says, “How did you know”? How did you know that these words were the very words that my mother would say to me when I was a little girl? My mother just passed away and I have been so grieved and broken. I have been begging God to show me that He is real and that He sees my pain.
This story reminds us that God always knows the bigger story that is going on and our role is simply to trust Him and obey Him and then watch what He does through us!