Thom Rainer on Church Attendance Trends Every Leader Should Know


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Thom Rainer is president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources, one of the largest Christian resource companies in the world. A respected pastor and researcher, he has written more than twenty books, including the #1 bestseller I Am a Church Member.Dr. Thom Rainer discusses attendance trends and dangers in the church today.

Big Questions:

Why do you think church members are less committed to their churches today than they were several years ago?

What do you see as some of the main hindrances to church growth?

What’s the most dangerous thing happening in the American Church today?

What are the most effective ways evangelistic pastors and churches are doing that work?


[Tweet “Evangelism most of the time is not just going to happen. It happens as a result of intentionality. “]

[Tweet “How we bring people into the church will determine whether or not they’ll stay.”]

[Tweet “Relevance can lead to irrelevance according to scripture.”]

[Tweet “Have a right theology of lost-ness. It’s hard to be passionate about Evangelism if you don’t really believe people need Christ.”]

[Tweet “An inept church member is an oxymoron. It does not exist in scripture.”]

[Tweet “We must always be asking the question in our Churches, ‘What are we doing to look beyond ourselves?’”]

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Andrew Hess
Andrew Hess is a Sr. Communications Specialist at Compassion International. He previously served as the director of content at the White Horse Inn and editor of He formerly served as the editor of His writing has been featured on The Gospel Coalition and Focus on the Family. He lives in Colorado Springs with his wife Jen and their energetic young son. Connect with Andrew on Twitter @AndrewWHess.

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