Home Podcast Trillia Newbell: How Church Leaders Can Deal With Fear and Anxiety

Trillia Newbell: How Church Leaders Can Deal With Fear and Anxiety

“At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, one of the things that surprised me and shocked me was how anxious I got. And I have never felt that sort of anxiety in my body where I felt like my throat was closing and I couldn’t think straight and I didn’t quite know what was going on.”

“Getting counseling would serve so many leaders right now who tend to do things in their own strength.”

“That’s where fear comes from. It’s unbelief. It’s not believing that God is who he says he is. So we want to take captive our thoughts and replace them with truth.”

“Pressure and unbelief hinder us from acting in a way that sometimes is reasonable or best for our congregations or our people around us.”

“When I’m anxious or fearful, I look to my savior who’s who gets it. He understands. He doesn’t condemn me. He doesn’t shame me. And I seek his face.”

“Half of these people [listed in Hebrew 11]…our current Christian culture would reject and shame them. They would have no chance of redemption. They would never return to any sort of ministry.”

“God is a keeping God. He’s a covenant God. He’s a faithful God. And it should give us a lot of courage to keep going because God, he’s just not ashamed of us.”

“Whatever you do, you want to do it to the glory of God and under His authority and trust Him with it.”

“We can’t control other people’s responses. We can’t know the future. But we know that God is sovereign, and we can trust him as we take steps of faith.”

“I look backwards. God has never not been faithful to me.”

“I don’t quite fully understand why women wouldn’t be not only encouraged but deployed [in the mission of the church].”

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